We understand that unforseen events may arise that require an appointment time be changed. We also understand what it is like when we make time for someone and they don't come for their appointment while we wait for them instead of being able to work on other things. These general policies concerning scheduling changes and refunds are intended to ensure fair treatment for all concerned.
Normally appointments can be rescheduled easily with a phone call or email. Refunds are rare because they disincentivise a person. Our fee covers whatever coaching is reasonably needed in a calendar month, such as one formal meeting and (for example when in crisis) occasional quick phone calls. Irregularities should be rare: frequent irregularities suggest that a person is not ready for coaching at this time.
This document is not any form of contract, agreement, or other legal commitment: it is an explanation of how rescheduling, cancellations, and refunds will usually be handled. These general policies are an attempt to accommodate unusual and unexpected situations without compromising our client's incentive to be at their appointments on time as agreed. In all cases, the independent coach involved shall be the ultimate and final judge of whether or not to reschedule, cancel, and/or refund.
If you need to reschedule an appointment, please email us at least two business days before the date of the appointment so that your coach can reallocate their time and change your appointment to a time that you will be present. If you cannot contact us in advance then please contact us as soon as you know that you need to reschedule.
To cancel an appointment, please email us at least two business days before the date of the appointment so that your coach can reallocate their time. If you cannot contact us in advance then please contact us as soon as you know that you need to cancel.
Refunds can be requested with any timely cancellation, but they will be rarely granted because refunds disincentivise a person: refunds remove the penalty for not following through with the appointment. Refunds of unused portions of discounted bundles will forfet the discount first. Please email us to request a refund. An appointment that was less than two days out, and has just been rescheduled to be more than two days out, does not qualify for a refund.
©Copyright 2025 John D. Nash, Jr. and Adult Life Training,Inc. 3301 East Coliseum Blvd,
c/o Abundant Life Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 260.432.0014 ext 128. Coaching at Adult Life Training, Inc. is provided through independent agreements with the trained coaches.
©Copyright 2025 John D. Nash, Jr. and Adult Life Training,Inc. 3301 East Coliseum Blvd,
c/o Abundant Life Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 260.432.0014 ext 128. Coaching at Adult Life Training, Inc. is provided through a Memorandum of Understanding with American Programmers Independent, LLC., which provides the trained coaches.
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©Copyright 2025 John D. Nash, Jr. and Adult Life Training,Inc. 3301 East Coliseum Blvd, c/o Abundant Life Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 260.432.0014 ext 128
The Adult Life Training, Inc. school admits students of any race, color, and national origin and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other school-administered programs. Coaching is provided through independent agreements with the trained coaches.
Ramsey Disclaimer: Coach has attended and completed Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach Master Training. Completion of Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach Master Training does not create an employment or agency relationship with Ramsey Solutions or its affiliates; it does not constitute a license or credentials to engage in legal, tax, accounting, investment, or other professional services; nor does it constitute an endorsement or recommendation of the Coach by Dave Ramsey.
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