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Adult Life Training LogoAdult Life Training, Inc.

Freedom Life Skills

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says that "Financial coaching can make a meaningful difference in people's financial behavior, attitudes, and situation." We use the approach taught in the Dave Ramsey Financial Coach Master Training curriculum. Talk with a coach for free. We'll work together to create a plan to help you reach your goals and walk with you through your financial transition: we bring insight, options, and encouragement. Once you understand the principals taught in Financial Peace University, or are taking FPU, it is time to get your own Financial Coach. Coaching at Adult Life Training, Inc. is provided through a Memorandum of Understanding with American Programmers Independent, LLC., which provides the trained coaches.

Why is it called Freedom Trail?

The Freedom Trail is a 2.5-mile-long path through Boston that passes by 17 locations significant to the history of the United States. It winds from Boston Common in downtown Boston, to the Old North Church in the North End and the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown. (Info) The Freedom Trail is important because it represents the steps Americans took to become free from foreign rulers and stand up in their own right as a sovereign nation.(Info) We The People have sold ourselves back into bondage because of a massive marketing effort by foreign financial services to re-enslave us through entrapping us in debt. As a nation founded upon the fundamental principal of Individual Liberty, by the One God who is the Author of Liberty, we as a people must reclaim our freedom. We can do this through following clear, simple, money management principals that everyone can do. Freedom Trail Financial Life Coaching exists to help you get free of debt so that you can live the free life you were destined to live.

Let's Talk

No tricks, no judging, just a few minutes of sharing to see how you can get the life of your dreams! Here is the link to my calendar.

Schedule Your Free Consult Now

What does coaching do?

Coaching helps people change in the way that they want to change, and guides or supports them through this process. Financial coaching helps people build an awareness of what they are doing financially, how it affects them, and how they can change to attain the financial situation (and life) that they want.

Once you understand the principals taught in Financial Peace University, or are taking FPU, it is time to get your own Financial Coach. The cost of having a coach is a lot less than the cost of not having a coach.

To get started with a coach first you need to talk with your potential coach(es) and see how you feel about working with each of them. When you decide on a coach then schedule a meeting for your initial consultation. In the consultation the coach will gather a lot of details about your situation and your goals, and then help you build a plan on how to proceed. The consultation is like a "Clean Out" when you first hire someone to do your cleaning or landscaping - once things are under control the remaining visits are less difficult, but the maid or landscaper is really going to work that first visit. The coach does a lot of digging and organizing to understand your whole financial situation in that first meeting. You could reasonably tell them that their first job is to show you how you can pay for their services!

Periodically after the initial consultation you will meet for coaching sessions to discuss your progress, questions, and any new challenges. If you are in financial crisis you may meet as much as once a week, if you are in Baby Step seven you might meet once a year. Whatever your need, your coach will walk with you through your financial journey.

Let's Talk

No tricks, no judging: free means free. Just a few minutes of sharing to see how you can get the life of your dreams! Here is the link to my calendar. It gives us a chance to hear your story and you a chance to hear our story. It should be about ten minutes.

Schedule Your Free Consult Now

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  • ©Copyright 2025 John D. Nash, Jr. and Adult Life Training,Inc. 3301 East Coliseum Blvd, c/o Abundant Life Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 260.432.0014 ext 128. Coaching at Adult Life Training, Inc. is provided through independent agreements with the trained coaches.

  • adult life training financial coach master logo
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  • What is a FICO score?
  • How much does it cost?
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  • ©Copyright 2025 John D. Nash, Jr. and Adult Life Training,Inc. 3301 East Coliseum Blvd, c/o Abundant Life Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 260.432.0014 ext 128. Coaching at Adult Life Training, Inc. is provided through a Memorandum of Understanding with American Programmers Independent, LLC., which provides the trained coaches.

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  • adult life training financial coach master logo
  • Coaching
  • Why do I need a coach?
  • FPU Classes
  • ©Copyright 2025 John D. Nash, Jr. and Adult Life Training,Inc. 3301 East Coliseum Blvd, c/o Abundant Life Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 260.432.0014 ext 128

    The Adult Life Training, Inc. school admits students of any race, color, and national origin and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other school-administered programs. Coaching is provided through independent agreements with the trained coaches.

    Ramsey Disclaimer: Coach has attended and completed Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach Master Training. Completion of Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach Master Training does not create an employment or agency relationship with Ramsey Solutions or its affiliates; it does not constitute a license or credentials to engage in legal, tax, accounting, investment, or other professional services; nor does it constitute an endorsement or recommendation of the Coach by Dave Ramsey.

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